MARP in action


This is how things works

  1. you have the page props
marp: true
theme: gaia

& there are more options

The typography - 1

visually Syntax
bold **bold**
italic *italic*
strikethrough ~~strikethrough~~
code `code`

Note: Marp dose not support html allow html tags by default except <br> tag.

The typography - 2

Headings: replace # with ## to ###### for h1 to h6

## This is head 1 ( max size )
### This is head 2

rendered as

This is head 1 ( max size )

This is head 2

The Images

![image props](url)

A rather unscalled image


The image scale

![w:150 h:150](url)

Size in action ( 1 to 146 )

The Images - 2

Marp has some props to control images

Image filters

effect syntax
blur ![blur:5px](url)
brightness ![brightness:0.5](url)
contrast ![contrast:0.5](url)
drop-shadow ![drop-shadow:5px 5px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.5)](url)
grayscale ![grayscale:1](url)
hue-rotate ![hue-rotate:90deg](url)
invert ![invert:1](url)
opacity ![opacity:0.5](url)
saturate ![saturate:0.5](url)
sepia ![sepia:1](url)

You can apply CSS filters to image through markdown image syntax. Include <filter-name>(:<param>(,<param>...)) to the alternate text of image.

Image filters

drop-shadow:2 5px 5px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.5)

All effects in action ( in order )

Image background


This how you can set an image as a background for one slide

Background props

keyword Description
cover Resize the image to cover the entire container, even if it has to stretch the image or cut a little bit off one of the edges
contain Resize the image to make sure the image is fully visible
fit Resize the image to fit the container, keeping the aspect ratio and without cropping or stretching the image
auto Set the background size to its default value
x% scaling factor by percentage value

Multiple backgrounds

This is how you can set multiple backgrounds for one slide
just add more images with bg keyword


Split backgrounds

![bg left](url)

format: ![bg <position>](url) and the position can be left or right

split backgrounds - 2

format: ![bg <position>:<size>](url) and the size can be x%


![bg right:20%](url)